Meet the Artist
Woody Koning is a long-time resident of Kodiak Island. He came here in his twenties to take a job in commercial salmon fishing and never left. He settled in Chiniak over forty years ago, married Verda and they raised two daughters “off the grid.” Koning fished salmon, halibut, herring and crab which took him around the archipelago. Koning’s fascination with the beauty of the region and it’s amazing inhabitants finds it’s way into his artistic expression. Woody studied art at Foothill College in California prior to arriving on Kodiak Island. His artistic endeavor was distracted as he busied himself with providing for and raising a family off the grid. Heart issues put an end to his fishing career and he pursued work as a contractor and developer. Eventually, Woody’s heart gave way resulting in a heart transplant which forced his retirement. Making art again started out as a therapy and evolved into a serious avocation.
PO Box 5565, Kodiak, Alaska 99615
Please write to us with any questions or comments. We would love to hear your feedback. -Woody